GiGa FiT 1/4" HEX BIT
The Highest Quality BITS you can get !! Best Fit and Super
100µm (.004") Max deviation along the whole bit
MAX Torque=25Nm
That is why, for your Powerful Electric Impact Driver, you should
always use this just Invented GiGa FiT Screwdriver HEX BITS
- The Unique, New, Patented Tip which offers Superior Fitting.
- Tip, which is the Newest Design world wide, is patented and
- The Fitting on Cross Screws is the best fit ever achieved by
modern technologies.
- All of GiGa FiT Hex Bit are precisely manufactured and
delivered super straight (LESS THAN 100µm of MAX Bend on the full bit
That's why, for Powerful your Electric Impact Driver, we
recommend you use always. This New BITS.
GiGa FiT Screwdriver HEX BITS
- This applied Dreaming Tip which offers Superior Fitting.
- Giga FiT Tip which is The New Designed, is patented and
- The Fitting on Cross Screws is tremendous precision Fit than
- Other hand, The Maximum Bending on BIT is also very much
important to get The Best Working Circumstance.
- All of GiGa FiT Hex Bit is delivered at LESS THAN 100µm of MAX
Just Say The Same Quality on Every Piece!!
ALL of Piece was Straighten for LESS than 100µm
Every Piece of BIT has been treated of "STRAIGHTEN for
LESS THAN 100µm" after Heat-Treatment for winded and Twisted. The
Displayed DATA in below, shows a Statements of the Result of Treatment
on the Production of Tokoma's Hex Bits
Super Hard's
Max Torque = 16.8 Nm
- Usually Cross Tip applied under the International Standard.
- Available from 65mm to 200mm long.
- We also can work for your need under your special
GiGa FiT
Max Torque 16.8Nm
- Applied New Designed Patented Tip for Fit more.
- Available from 65mm to 200mm long.
The Treatment Data List for Straighten
Done: a statement of Straighten / Origin: a statement of did not
For the 60% of Pieces are not bent at exceeding‚ P‚O‚O µm,
because of "SHORT". But some pieces record over 500µm when
heated. At the present, Many Maker are supplying with NO-STRAIGHTEN
for this sized. That's why, many people has made damaging Tip or Screw
as the commonly troubles.
For the 30% of Pieces are not bent at exceeding ‚P‚O‚O µm,
because of "SHORT". But some pieces record over 1000 µm when
heated. At the present, Many Maker are supplying with NO-STRAIGHTEN
for this sized, too. That's why, many people has made damaging Tip or
Screw as the commonly troubles.
As the Long Type are bent much more than shot type's, we treat
at special way for better condition. At the present, Many Maker are
supplying at less than about850µm or with NO-STRAIGHTEN for this
sized, too. That's why, many people has made damaging Tip or Screw as
the commonly troubles.
As the Long Type are bent much more than shot type's, we treat
at special way for better condition. At the present, Many Maker are
supplying at less than about 1000µm or with NO-STRAIGHTEN for this
sized, too. That's why, many people has made damaging Tip or Screw as
the commonly troubles.
How to Order:
Picture |
Part Number |
Description |
Packing |
GFB211M |
Phillips (+) 2Both Sides, 45mm, 1pc |
1-pc.bag |
GFB212M |
Phillips (+) 2Both Sides, 45mm, 2 pcs |
2-pcs.bag |
GFB210MP |
Phillips (+) 2Both Sides, 45mm, 10 pcs |
10-pcs.Case |
GFB221M |
Phillips (+) 2 Both Sides, 65mm, 1pc |
1-pc.Bag |
GFB222M |
Phillips (+) 2 Both Sides, 65mm, 2pcs |
2-pcs.Bag |
GFB220MP |
Phillips(+) 2 Both Sides, 65mm, 10pcs |
10-pcs.Case |
GFB241M |
Phillips (+) 2 Both Sides,110mm, 1pc |
1-pc.bag |
GFB242M |
Phillips (+) 2 Both Sides,110mm, 2pcs |
2-pcs.bag |
GFB240MP |
Phillips (+) 2 Both Sides, 110mm, 10pcs |
10-pcs.into Case |
GFB261M |
Phillips (+) 2 Both Sides, 150mm, 1pc |
1-pc.bag |
GFB262M |
Phillips (+) 2 Both Sides, 150mm, 2pcs |
2-pcs.bag |
GFB281M |
Phillips (+) 2 Both Sides, 200mm, 1pc |
1-pc.bag |
GFB282M |
Phillips (+) 2 Both Sides 200mm, 2pcs |
2-pcs.bag |
GFB222S |
Phillips (+) 2 Single Side, 65mm, 2 pcs |
2-pcs.bag |
GFB220SP |
Phillips (+) 2 Single Side, 65mm, 10 pcs |
10-pcs.Case |
GFB242S |
Phillips (+) 2 Single Side, 110mm, 2 pcs |
2-pcs.bag |
GFB240SP |
Phillips (+) 2 Single Side, 110mm, 10 pcs |
10-pcs.Case |
GFB262S |
Phillips (+) 2 Single Side, 150mm, 2 pcs |
2-pcs.bag |
GFB282S |
Phillips (+) 2 Single Side, 200mm, 2 pcs |
2-pcs.bag |