11 Dispensing and Paste/Flux Deposition Systems

Dispensing and Paste/Flux Deposition Systems

XDP-200D Digital Fluid Dispensing System XDP-100 Digital Fluid Dispensing System XDP-10

Digital Fluid Dispensing System

Low Cost Fluid Dispenser
Low Cost Fluid Dispenser
X-MicroPrint Single Component printing System XMP-1 MiniPrint Head and XK-A1 MiniPrint Head XK-Series adapter X-BGA-DP Dipping Plate System Set
Single Component Printing System
MicroPrint Head Set
Dipping Plate System Set
Dispensing Tip Set
Dispensing Needles and accessories MP-10K
Hand Dispensing Kit
for Fluxes and Pastes

How do time and pressure affect dispensing?

As pressure increases while time stays constant, the dispensed dot or shot size will increase. As the time increases while pressure remains constant, the dispensed dot or shot size will increase. If both time and pressure increase simultaneously, shot size will increase at a faster rate.
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